Complete Guide to All Elemental Effects, Damage Types, and Fusions in Gunfire Reborn (2025)

Elemental weapons and effects play a prominent role in Gunfire Reborn’s gameplay. From Fire, electricity, or gas, many enemies thrive using elements against you or others who are vulnerable to certain types. Understanding all elemental damage types and their Fusion combinations will make your Gunfire Reborn runs significantly easier, regardless of your favorite character.

What are Elemental Effects in Gunfire Reborn?

In Gunfire Reborn, certain guns or hero abilities have a chance to inflict enemies with elemental damage. The three basic elemental effects are Burning, Shock, and Decay, which originate from Fire, Lightning, or Corrosion damage.


Fire is one of the three elemental damage types, and it deals +50% bonus damage to Health but deals -25% less damage to Shields and Armor. Every hit of Fire damage has a chance to inflict Burning.


The Burning elemental effect is applied from Fire damage. Burning deals 20% of the original hit’s damage each second, lasting for five seconds. For example, if you have a weapon with 20 damage per shot and another gun with 50, the weapon with the higher base damage will have a stronger Burning DOT. However, stronger Burning effects override weaker ones.


Lightning is the second elemental damage type and deals +50% bonus damage to Shields and -25% less damage to Health and Armor. This elemental damage type in Gunfire Reborn also has a slight chance of inflicting the Shock effect.


Shock causes the affected target to take =10% damage from all hits for five seconds. This damage bonus includes all elemental and non-elemental damage.


Lastly, Corrosion is the final basic elemental damage type and deals +50% damage to Armor and -25% damage to Health and Shields. Every hit has a slight chance of inflicting Decay.


Decay decreases the affected target’s movement speed by -50% for five seconds but does not affect other actions such as attacking, dodging, or jumping.

What is the Best Elemental Effect in Gunfire Reborn?

Fire damage is best against enemies with no Shields or Armor, Lightning counters Shields, and Corrosion melts through Armor. When it comes to choosing the best elemental damage type, paired with their effect, Lightning and Shock is the best choice.

The reason why Lightning is the best is the majority of enemies and bosses in Gunfire Reborn have Shields. Also, the Shock elemental effect causes the target to take 10% more damage from all sources. Lightning is also the best elemental damage in Gunfire Reborn because of the Fusion effects it can cause, which we will get into shortly.

What are Fusion Effects in Gunfire Reborn?

Fusion Effects are inflicted if the same target simultaneously suffers from two different elemental effects. Combining two elements causes enemies to take ludicrous amounts of damage or trigger other effects.


Decay and Burning inflict Combustion, dealing an extra 200% damage instantly to the initial target and 100% damage to other enemies in a 5m area. Enemies hit are also staggered, interrupting their movement and attacks.

Since this is a Fire & Corrosion element, Combustion deals +50% bonus damage to Health/Armor but -25% to shields. The damage is only changed by increasing the gun’s base damage, similar to how the Burning effect works.


Burning and Shock inflict Manipulation, which causes the enemy to attack other nearby enemies for five seconds. If there are no other nearby enemies, they will stop attacking entirely for the duration. Manipulation can be weak if the enemy afflicted with Manipulation isn’t powerful.

However, we initially underestimated this Fusion effect, but as we began to play Reincarnation difficulty in Gunfire Reborn, we realized the Manipulation Fusion effect is a lifesaver. Even if the enemy is weak or doesn’t deal much damage while under the crowd control effect, it’s still wonderful to have since the mind-controlled target will draw Fire away from you, thus making your fights a little easier. However, Elite enemies and bosses are immune to Manipulation.


Shock and Decay inflict Miasma, which deals True damage equal to roughly 10% of the enemy’s maximum HP per second for five seconds. Damage dealt drops to 0.75% HP against elite enemies and 0.3% maximum HP against bosses.

Miasma’s damage will still hit Shields and Armor first while dealing double damage since the sources are Shock and Decay. Miasma can stack up to nine times, with each stack dealing separate damage.

However, because of this stacking effect, Miasma can be weaker in multiplayer since its true power comes from being stacked multiple times. Plus, the damage dealt is divided by the number of players, making it less ideal for multiplayer but still extremely strong.

Which Fusion Elemental Effect is the Strongest in Gunfire Reborn?

Both Elemental and Fusion Effects can differ in their usefulness or damage depending on the weapon, hero, or build. However, generally, for solo players, we think Miasma is the strongest Fusion effect. Miasma suffers no downsides when playing solo, plus it’s easier to ramp up to nine stacks when you are the only damage source.

Miasma also does less damage to bosses, but in solo, it still packs a punch, especially since it’s easier to maintain nine stacks on bosses or Elite enemies.

For multiplayer, despite our original thoughts on Manipulation in our Crown Prince build guide, we actually think it’s one of the stronger Fusion effects when pushing higher difficulties or in multiplayer. Gaining the effect to make enemies turn on one another can shift a lot of battles in your favor.

The more enemies affected by the Manipulation Fusion effect means less gunfire is thrown at you, and you have more meat shields to draw your opponent’s attention, even if it’s only five seconds.

What Gunfire Reborn Characters Work Best with Elemental & Fusion Effects?

All of the best characters in Gunfire Reborn can use elemental effects. However, a select few were really built around them. We will cover the three best characters to use in a full-elemental build.

Crown Prince

Complete Guide to All Elemental Effects, Damage Types, and Fusions in Gunfire Reborn (1)

Crown Prince is easily the best character for utilizing all elemental damage due to their Ascension Talents granting them additional damage for all elements. Not only does their gameplay focus revolve around using elemental effects, but their Smoke Grenade has a 100% chance to inflict Decay, making it significantly easier to proc Combustion with Fire or Miasma with a Lightning gun.

Lei Luo

Complete Guide to All Elemental Effects, Damage Types, and Fusions in Gunfire Reborn (2)

Lei Luo is another wonderful option since their abilities have lots of built-in Lightning damage with Fatal Current or Chain Lightning. Preparing a Lei Luo build with a Fire Sniper Rifle like the Piercing Flame is one of the many ways to apply the Manipulation effect from a distance. It makes enemies fight one another while you pick them off at a distance.


Complete Guide to All Elemental Effects, Damage Types, and Fusions in Gunfire Reborn (3)

Lastly, Li is the pyromancer from the Visitors from the Spirit Realm DLC. Both her abilities, Blazing Meteor and Spiritual Flame, deal Fire damage. Even if Fire damage is the weakest element, in Gunfire Reborn Li can boost it to lethal heights.

Her adept ability for Fire gives her a significantly easier time with causing Combustion or Manipulation Fusion Effects.

Conclusion on all Elemental & Fusion Effects in Gunfire Reborn.

That’s it for our brief yet complete guide, breaking down all the Elemental Effects, Fusions, and damage types in Gunfire Reborn. All these elemental effects are one of the many reasons why Gunfire Reborn is an exciting and chaotic rogue-lite to play, even after 100 runs. If you enjoyed our guide and want to learn more about the game, check out our beginners Gunfire Reborn guide or our picks for the ten best guns in Gunfire Reborn.

For now, Happy Hunting!

Complete Guide to All Elemental Effects, Damage Types, and Fusions in Gunfire Reborn (2025)


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