For those that didn’t/wont sleep train - August 2023 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (2024)

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For those that didn’t/wont sleep train - August 2023 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (1)

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For those that didn’t/wont sleep train - August 2023 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (2)


How is your baby sleeping now at 10-11 months old? Are you dealing with sleep regression or separation anxiety at night? How are you dealing with it? I sleep trained at 6 months but I’ve had to do it over and over with sleep regression and this period has been the worst. I don’t think I want to sleep train again but I’m but I’m having the hardest time getting her to sleep (cries when I leave the room and has long wake periods at night). I am feeling that is the my option bc she doesn’t go back to sleep easily with rocking or feeding like she used to

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we cosleep using safe sleep 7. everyone gets good sleep and is happy

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We didn’t sleep train. Our girl is a pretty good sleeper. She will sleep through or wake up once to nurse then goes back down 90% of the time. She’s been teething again so up more often but always goes back down without a fight

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For those that didn’t/wont sleep train - August 2023 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (21)


I couldn’t sleep train �� but I lay her on my maternity pillow that’s wrapped around me at bedtime. This is around 6:30-7. My husband and I are watching tv and I’m multitasking playing with her. She falls asleep in about an hour. I put her in her crib and go to sleep. Sleep regressions I just deal with the fact I’m going to be tired. If she wakes up, I put her in this same position and she falls back to sleep within 15 minutes. Same when she’s teething. We’re gonna be tired sis �� I’ve just learned to accept it ����‍♀️

For those that didn’t/wont sleep train - August 2023 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (22)

For those that didn’t/wont sleep train - August 2023 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (23) For those that didn’t/wont sleep train - August 2023 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (24) For those that didn’t/wont sleep train - August 2023 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (25) For those that didn’t/wont sleep train - August 2023 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (26) For those that didn’t/wont sleep train - August 2023 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (27) For those that didn’t/wont sleep train - August 2023 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (28)


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this is so sweet!

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For those that didn’t/wont sleep train - August 2023 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (35)



thank you! I do her daytime naps this same way. She drifts off to sleep and then I transfer her to her crib. Only downside is my husband can’t put her to sleep anymore. He says his sleep spot sucks now ��

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co sleep the regression has been hard but she is sleeping 8 to 10 hrs at night so that's a win. I don't think it's worth it especially if ur having to sleep train multiple times. they are definitely big enough alot of the times when she wakes up she talks to me for a minute rolls over and continues sleeping doesn't even want to nurse.

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I did not sleep train. I’ve always nursed/cuddled to sleep. She goes through periods where she wakes either 1 or 2 times a night. She has never really slept through.

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I didn’t sleep train, I used to rock to sleep but I noticed he was taking forever to fall asleep so I started putting him in the crib awake but relaxed and after a few minutes he falls asleep independently

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I've never sleep trained, he'll be 11m next week. for the most part he sleeps 7:30-6 and we get 1-2 wakes per night which last under 20min each. we rock or nurse to sleep and then transfer into the crib. if things are going pretty badly we bed share but that only happens during teething when it gets exceptionally hard. my belief is that he needs me right now, it won't be like this forever, and one day I'm going to miss the cuddles so soaking it in while I can.

no judgement to sleep training families, you've gotta do what you've gotta do, but every single adult I know needs something to help them fall asleep, whether that's a book, a weighted blanket, a podcast or tv show or cuddling with their partner. why shouldn't a tiny human, who's only been earthside for 10.5m be any different and be expected to fall asleep in a dark room by themselves?

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I couldn’t sleep train, didn’t feel natural for me. I put baby down once he falls asleep to either rocking or to his bottle, he will eventually wake up, if it’s before I go to bed I get him back to sleep by picking him up and rocking or cuddling then put him back down, but if he wakes up during the night then I’ll Cosleep with him for the rest of the night until waking… it won’t last forever, they will eventually grow out of the need to sleep with you. I say just be there to comfort them and they will know you are there for them when you need them. That bond will last a lifetime.

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No sleep training with either of ours. Both have had awful regression between 8.5-10 months ( up every 45 mins) but then both have slept through since then.

My first needed a lot of support to sleep until 12 months and would have the odd wake until 13 months, this baby has been sleeping through for the passed 3 weeks once she got over the regression. She sleeps 7pm-6am and mostly goes to sleep independently although I’m happy to support her to sleep if she need it.

When we’ve had really bad patches I’ve co slept and she’s been absolutely fine going back in her cot overnight.

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For those that didn’t/wont sleep train - August 2023 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (78)


Haven’t sleep trained here. Lo turns 11 months on the 11th. I think he’s hit separation anxiety at night cause if my husband goes in to smooth him he cry’s and fusses/ fights him for a while, while calling for me. When I go in he nurses for 5-10 then I lay him back down and he puts himself back to sleep. He has never slept through the night. It ranges to 2-3 wake at night. There was a period he only woke once but teething and all changed that.

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For those that didn’t/wont sleep train - August 2023 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (2024)


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