How to play Minecraft unblocked in 2023 (2024)

Minecraft is a game countless people enjoy every day, though things sometimes get in the way. For those at work or school, it isn't uncommon for web browser blocks to be in place, disabling navigation to certain sites.

Since work or school computers don't always allow players to download Minecraft directly or even play the classic version via a web browser, an alternative is required.

At the very least, you need a way to get around the web browser blocks. Both methods of playing the game unblocked can be tricky, but they're possible.

Keep in mind that while methods like the one described in this article have proven to have worked, results may vary depending on how strict the blocking measures in place are.

Play Minecraft unblocked via EaglerCraft

EaglerCraft presents a way to play Minecraft and subvert many web browser blocks (Image via EaglerCraft)

Each web browser-based blocking service is different and can, therefore, be tricky to navigate around. However, you can still play Minecraft through certain sites that may not be blacklisted, thanks to third-party applications such as EaglerCraft.

If you want to give EaglerCraft a go, it has many of the game's features and core gameplay/visuals despite not being a perfect mirror of the game.

Here's how to access EaglerCraft:

  • Open your web browser and head to the URL “” without quotations.
  • On the EaglerCraft site, select a version of the game you'd like to play from the drop-down menu and then press the play button. You can also download EaglerCraft directly if your device allows downloads and installation, but this is a subjective matter.
  • You should be brought to a new screen within EaglerCraft where you press a key to enable sound, then enter your username while also selecting your in-game skin. Once you've finished, press the "done" button and enjoy the game.
  • If is blocked, alternative websites can also run the EaglerCraft program in web browsers. These sites may evade the blacklisting of various IP block programs and include URLs such as:

    If these sites aren’t blacklisted, your web browser should be able to run the program with no issue.

    Keep in mind that due to the way that the game's intellectual property is copyrighted, EaglerCraft doesn't exactly have all of the features of the original game.

    EaglerCraft has been built from the ground up as an open-source program, but it can't mirror some features without sustaining litigation from Mojang and Microsoft. For this reason, the program is constantly changing, and the developers have to comply with any demands made by the copyright holders.

    EaglerCraft may not be the perfect Minecraft clone, but it can still capture plenty of the gameplay and features present. It's still possible to join a server solo or with friends and build, battle, and craft as much as a player would like.

    Hopefully, the web browser blocks in place aren't too stringent, and players can spend some time in the world's most beloved sandbox game for a little while.

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    How to play Minecraft unblocked in 2023 (2024)


    How to play Minecraft at school unblocked? ›

    Proxy Servers and VPNs: One of the most common methods to unblock Minecraft is using proxy servers or Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). These tools allow players to mask their IP addresses, making it appear like they are accessing the game from a different location.

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    Your free trial of Minecraft: Java Edition is available on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Before you start your free Minecraft game trial, download Minecraft by scrolling to the grey box in the middle of the page, selecting the icon that represents your device and following the download instructions.

    How do I unblock a game I blocked at school? ›

    A VPN is a simple and reliable tool that hides your IP address and unblocks any censored games online. An IP address is similar to a postal address in that it identifies your computer or mobile devices and represents your virtual location online.

    How to play Minecraft on a school laptop? ›

    Students must use the .exe version in order to play Minecraft on a school computer. Currently the ONLY version that works on school computers is the “Alternate Version” for Windows 7/8 made available at The image below shows the specific .exe download link highlighted.

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    Adds the player profile(s) into the server blacklist, which prevents anyone from connecting to the server with uuids of these profiles.

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    Typically these blocks are part of the world that vehicles operate in. Dirt, trees (log, not planks, etc) water and others part of the world.

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    It's rated 10+ in the app store, which is well below his age. Minecraft isn't a gory or violent game. If he needs food the animal turns red and bounces back a couple of feet.

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    Age rating. The game has a recommended PEGI rating of 7 and an ESRB rating of Everyone 10+. However, Minecraft has players of all ages, and if you play with your child, you might find yourself enthralled by Minecraft's blocky charm.

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    As part of the 10 year anniversary for Minecraft back in 2019, Mojang released a completely free, browser-based version of the original build of Minecraft creative mode for you to enjoy.

    How to play Minecraft on your school computer? ›

    Students must use the .exe version in order to play Minecraft on a school computer. Currently the ONLY version that works on school computers is the “Alternate Version” for Windows 7/8 made available at The image below shows the specific .exe download link highlighted.

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    How do you unblock a blocked game? You can unblock a blocked game with a VPN. Choosing a VPN with excellent block circumvention abilities, such as NordVPN, enables one to alter an IP address and encrypt the connection. That way, you can unblock a blocked game on a school computer or anywhere else.

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    - Allow Minecraft Through Windows Firewall:

    - Open the Windows Defender Firewall settings: - Type "Windows Defender Firewall" in the start menu search and open it. - Click on "Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall." - Click the "Change settings" button to add another app to the list.

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    Academic purpose: When using Minecraft in the classroom, you need to have learning objectives that are observable and measurable. For example, if students are building a replica of the Great Pyramids, consider what you want them to learn and how will you be able to find evidence of that learning.


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    Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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    Author information

    Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

    Birthday: 1998-02-19

    Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

    Phone: +17844167847676

    Job: Forward IT Agent

    Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

    Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.