Susan Brown on LinkedIn: Imagine feeling like you’re drowning in responsibilities. You struggle to… (2024)

Susan Brown

I help female professionals tackle life with confidence | Certified Life & Mindset Coach

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Imagine feeling like you’re drowning in responsibilities.You struggle to find your way out, while the pile keeps getting bigger.That was the reality of my client.Let’s call her Eve.Eve struggled to manage her time.- She was a student and had a new job.- She had a demanding boss.- She was also a person with a desire to stay fit and creative.But she lacked time and energy and hit rock bottom.That’s when she reached out to me.And here’s how we turned the tide for her:- We started by listing all her daily goals.- Then we broke those tasks down into smaller, more manageable tasks.We realized that so much of her precious time was being eaten up by unnecessary tasks.So we created a new plan and eliminated all the unproductive tasks that didn’t serve her.This helped her to manage her time much better.When she started following this plan, she got a clearer idea of what she needed to do and what she could skip.This made her feel less overwhelmed and gave her more control over her day.So the next time you feel overwhelmed, remember this:- It’s not about doing more.- It’s about doing what truly counts.How are you holding up with your daily responsibilities?

  • Susan Brown on LinkedIn: Imagine feeling like you’re drowning in responsibilities.You struggle to… (2)



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Susan Brown

I help female professionals tackle life with confidence | Certified Life & Mindset Coach


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📌 When you feel like life is spinning out of control, the answer isn’t to spin faster.It’s about taking a step back and figuring out what's really important.

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Neha Mayekar

I help Thought Leaders & Business Coaches grow their brand on LinkedIn in under 90 days | LinkedIn ghostwriter


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Don't get so caught up in day-to-day tasks, that you lose sight of what truly drives your growth, Susan Brown

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Natalie Serebrennik

I help you figure out and execute your next career move | Advance internally or explore externally | Certified Career Coach | 16+ years trading & sales at BMO Capital Markets | Achieve results faster


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Oh the power of coaching! I LOVE this for you and your client. Sometimes our 'stuff' feels way too heavy and the only way through it is to strip the load down and create a new plan of attack.

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Clive Coutinho

Wellness & Life Coach for Founders, Leaders & Busy Professionals | Wellness Coach at Luke Coutinho Healing Systems Pvt. Ltd. | 1:1 Consultations | Actionable Steps | Coached 100+ individuals | Follow to get 1 % better.


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Rupesh Toor

Founder at YSA Digital Media | Driving audience growth and revenue for personal brands | Social Media Strategist | B2B & B2C Marketing Solutions |


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Susan Brown This is incredibly relatable! So many of us find ourselves in Eve’s situation, juggling multiple responsibilities. Your approach of breaking down tasks and eliminating unproductive ones is spot on. It's a powerful reminder that quality over quantity truly matters. I'm curious to know more about the tools or techniques you used to help Eve prioritize her tasks effectively. Great post!

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Anna dias

content creator


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Amazing Susan Brown

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Susan Brown on LinkedIn: Imagine feeling like you’re drowning in responsibilities.You struggle to… (48)

Susan Brown on LinkedIn: Imagine feeling like you’re drowning in responsibilities.You struggle to… (49)


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Susan Brown on LinkedIn: Imagine feeling like you’re drowning in responsibilities.

You struggle to… (2024)


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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Author information

Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.