Gunfire Reborn is a level-based Roguelike FPS mixed with RPG stats influencing your weapon and character’s power. With over 40 unique weapons and up to eight playable characters, you will always find a gun to fit your playstyle. There are plenty of options, from wielding simple firearms to crossbows, lizards, power gauntlets, or swords. We will give you our rundown on the ten best guns you can find in Gunfire Reborn.
Before we begin, we have to give a disclaimer. Gunfire Reborn’s weapons have randomized RPG stats, thus making every weapon’s power shift based on RNG stats. A weapon’s power is also influenced by your current build, Occult Scrolls, or the character you are playing. This list focuses on the consistency of a weapon’s power, unafflicted by these random stats, in order to arrive at a Gunfire Rebron gun tier list.
We will also rank a weapon’s power with the player completing the talent tree in mind. We include the talent tree because many buffs in this tree drastically affect all weapons and character powers. With all that in mind, let’s get onto the list of the best guns in Gunfire Reborn.
Top 10 Gunfire Reborn Guns and Other Weapons
10. All Melee Weapons in Gunfire Reborn
When trying to choose between the current three swords in Gunfire Reborn, we couldn’t rank one above the rest. Each melee weapon gives its handler increased movement speed and deals serious damage. The only significant downsides to using melee weapons are they cannot naturally crit and make boss fights fair more difficult due to the lack of range.
The Fire Tower, Flowing Light, and Poisonous Ghost all tie for a single spot on our list of the best weapons in Gunfire Reborn. While each sword has varying attack speeds, alternate firing modes, and different ammo types, they are all powerful in their own right.
Fire Tower Sword

The Fire Tower is the slowest melee weapon out of the three but hits the hardest, mainly because it uses Special Ammo. The primary swing deals 100% base damage, with the second swing dealing 125%, resulting in a devastating two-hit combo that makes up for the lack of attack speed.
However, unlike the other swords, you cannot use its primary fire without ammo, but the Fire Tower automatically reloads after every swing allowing for zero DPS downtime.
The alt-fire unleashes a fire wheel, a devastating ranged option, but deals slightly less base damage than the primary fire. The ranged projectile is slow, but a welcome addition if you’re going in a pure melee build. Even if the Fire Tower has the slowest attack speed out of the three swords, it hits like a truck and excels above the rest in single-target DPS.
Flowing Light Blade

The Flowing Light is a lightning sword that uses Large Ammo to unleash a barrage of sword thrusts. This lightning sword gives the second-highest movement speed boost out of the three swords but also lacks the most range. The Flowing Light’s primary fire can be used without Large Ammo, but not its alt fire.
The alt-fire for the Flowing Light begins a small windup that unleashes a barrage of quick stabs in a small cone in front of the user. This alt fire consumes ammo and needs to be reloaded after a few uses. However, this blade barrage gives the Flowing Light a great burst window at the cost of lowering their movement speed during the charge and the cast duration.
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Poisonous Ghost Weapon in Gunfire Reborn

The Poisonous Ghost is the most inconsistent melee weapon and requires some setup to utilize appropriately. This sword gives the highest movement speed increase out of any melee weapon, uses Special Ammo, but has the lowest elemental proc chance.
After striking 12 enemies in 10 seconds, you store a Blade Wave charge. Unleashing this Blade Wave sends a ranged attack that pierces through enemies and deals true damage based on the enemy’s current HP.
The alt-fire for this Gunfire Reborn weapon is extremely strong. Yet, consistently building the charges in order to use it can prove difficult in the earlier stages. Some argue that the payoff is worth it, and others disagree. We do think that the Poisonous Ghost is the least consistent out of the three swords, but it’s still excellent if you can stack it.
Overall, the Fire Tower is the best for single-target DPS, with its brutal hitting fire attacks, the Flowing Light is the best all-around sword, and the Poisonous Ghost is the best cleave weapon. The Fire Tower and the Flowing Light have a 50% chance to proc their elemental effect, but the Poisonous Ghost only has a 30% chance. All melee weapons are a great pick but have clear advantages in specific situations or combo better with specific characters. For instance, swords are very powerful when used in a Tao build.
9. Fire Dragon
The Fire Dragon is one of the few Injector weapons that share trade-offs with using Normal Ammo, high fire rate, but low critical multiplier and damage. The Fire Dragon spits fire in a 15m cone that deals fire damage with roughly an 82% chance to inflict the Burning status effect each second on every enemy hit.

The flame cone pierces through enemies and doesn’t suffer from any damage falloff based on the number of targets hit. Great flamethrower weapons are typically rare in any video game, but Gunfire Reborn manages to make a flamethrower that feels great to use without it feeling too unbalanced.
Also, hitting one or multiple enemies’ weak points is relatively easy, thanks to the generous cone of flame hitbox, allowing you to sometimes reliably crit, even if that’s not the weapon’s intended focus.
If you’re looking to deal fire damage, this is one of the strongest and fastest guns in Gunfire Reborn for spreading fire. Its ability to hit all enemies in a cone gives it great crowd-cleaving potential at the cost of being unreliable to land natural crits. Its significant downside is having a two or three-second reload, giving you lots of up and down time for its high magazine, but terrible reload.
Since the Fire Dragon is mainly a fire damage weapon, it’s difficult to damage enemies with shields or armor. Any Inscriptions that boost its elemental effect or damage spike the Fire Dragon’s power level significantly. Elemental builds, especially for the Crown Prince in Gunfire Reborn, will effectively love using this weapon.
8. Icy Spear
The Icy Spear is a highly effective AOE weapon that pierces through enemies and leaves behind a spinning ice thorn when making contact with a surface. Its alternate fire recalls all actively spinning ice thorns back to your hand, passing through any solid surface. If your last spear toss was a crit, activating the recall ability will make every returned spear a guaranteed crit.
Even more, if an enemy’s weak point is on their back, hitting the weak point during the recall will also cause every enemy afterward to take critical damage. Not recalling the spear will cause it to spin in place for four seconds, dealing constant AOE damage until it vanishes or is recalled.
Throwing the Icy Spear will pierce all enemies in that line, but its AOE will only initiate when making contact with a surface. So if your plan is to use its stationary AOE, we recommend aiming your crosshair, so the spear pierces the enemy and lands at their feet. Even with the name Icy Spear, this weapon has no natural elemental affinities, making it a meaningful combo with non-elemental builds.
Despite being a throwable and retractable weapon, the Icy Spear is underneath the Pistol category. Since it’s under the Pistol Category, this weapon has a high 3.5x crit multiplier, making Occult Scrolls or Inscriptions that increase crit chance a devastating upgrade.
7. Crimson Firescale

The Crimson Firescale is a Rifle with standard magazine size, fire rate, and a decent reload speed. What makes this one of the best guns in Gunfire Reborn is its unique function to utilize crits. Hitting a weak spot or landing a crit builds up charges of Firescale Bombs. Each crit causes one FireScale Bomb, and you must have at least five stacks to use its alt fire to launch these bombs.
These bombs deal 280% weapon damage each, don’t consume ammo, and can be used while firing simultaneously. Boosing your crit chance or lucky shot chance will allow you to quickly reach 15 stacks of Firescale Bomb, enabling you to launch 15 total bombs. Despite the in-game hud displaying three bars, which allow you to use the alt-fire a maximum of three times, each bar means you will fire five bombs peruse of the alt-fire.
No matter how much damage these bombs do, they will not deal critical damage. Regardless of this minor setback, building crits allows you to pump some serious AOE damage. Without the bombs or the crit chance, this gun still shreds on its own and has natural fire damage.
Since the Crimson Firescale deals fire damage, it’s great for shredding targets without shields or armor. The bombs help eliminate this drawback since their explosions make incredible work of breaking any armor or shields, allowing you to chunk their base HP with a fast spread of fire damage. We always recommend picking this weapon unless you aren’t going for a high crit build.
6. Thunderclap / Laser Gloves – Gunfire Reborn’s Most Awesome Glove Weapon
The Thunderclap and Laser Gloves are devastating gauntlets that fire damaging rays with perfect accuracy, no recoil, and a long range. However, both gauntlets function the same, but where the Thunderclap specializes in AOE damage, the Laser glove focuses on ramping single target damage.
The Thunderclap glove devastates large groups of enemies, and its effective AOE radius can also destroy projectiles without you even knowing it. While the Laser gloves will melt bosses, the longer you go without reloading. With an impressive 16 rounds per second, both gauntlets utilize CritX bonuses from hitting weak spots like no other weapon due to their laser-focused accuracy. Both gloves roughly have a 50% chance to proc their respective elemental types each second.
Between the Thunderclap and the Lazer Gloves, we will say the Thunderclap is a bit stronger due to its lightning affinity and having better AOE potential. However, the Laser Glove does perform better in single-target DPS because of its feature to ramp damage over time until it inevitably reloads. If you can stack ammo replenishment on the Laser glove, its damage with skyrocket over the Thunderclap, but mainly in single-target fights.
Both gauntlets are excellent in their own right, especially in an Aoi Bai build, since he can dual-wield them. However, we still think that the Thunderclap is the better choice between the two for all other characters.
5. Strike Wing – The Best Bow Weapon in Gunfire Reborn

The Strike Wing is an interesting bow, capable of dealing massive crits from being under the Sniper category while dealing AOE damage. After hitting an enemy, three additional arrows launch out of the original target and seek out nearby foes. Each extra arrow deals 50% of the weapons base damage, or 200% if the initial hit was a critical hit.
Reliably hitting weak points like headshots will ensure your extra arrows critically strike any nearby target. Atop of having a natural 5.0x critical multiplier, this is one of the deadliest crit weapons in the game.
Unlike other Sniper Rifles that require reloading, the Strike Wing reloads after every hit, allowing you to utilize Inscriptions or Occult Scrolls that give you additional bonuses for reloading. The only downside to taking the Strike Wing is the bow needs to be fully drawn before firing, thus making time in between shots slow, but highly impactful. The time between shots is hardly a significant downside, and stacking crit chance or elemental affinity significantly increases the Strike Wing’s power.
4. Pupil
The Pupil is an interesting shotgun, encouraging precise charged shots for more damage rather than a bigger spread and holding the primary fire charges the Pupil’s shot. Tightening the spread increases the shot’s damage by 50%. It is capable of reliable pulling of high burst damage at Rifle or SMG ranges rather than typical shotgun ranges.
While the rate of fire is low, due to its mechanic surrounding charged shots, the damage payoff is worth it. Charged shots also allow more pellets to hit weak points, thus landing more critical hits. The Pupil also deals a small amount of lightning damage with every shot, and each shot has ten pellets, allowing for multiple chances to crit, or inflict Shock.
Overall, the Pupil is a simplistic shotgun design, but sometimes simple is best. The charged shot increases the weapon’s damage by 50%, thus making every upgrade more impactful with this percentage multiplier. For these several reasons, we feel the Pupil is one of the best guns in Gunfire Reborn.
The 3 Best Guns in Gunfire Reborn
3. Deafening Mortar
The Deafening Mortar is by far the most devastating weapon in the Launcher Category. The primary fire consumes three Special Ammo to launch a short-range projectile that explodes 12 times in a fixed pattern. These 12 explosions can hit bigger targets several times, with each blast decreasing in damage after the first few.

The alternate fire charges up three explosive shells for three Special Ammo and highlights a trajectory line during your charge. Releasing this charge fires each projectile for a significantly larger AOE than the primary fire and deals 250% damage with each. The shells can be launched prematurely to deal less damage, so the longer you charge, the more damage you will deal.
While the downsides to the Deafening Mortar are negligible from the weapon decreasing your movement speed while drawn and its low effect chance and reload time. However, the massive amount of AOE damage this weapon deals significantly outweighs the downsides.
Inscriptions and Occult Scrolls that assist in explosion damage or AOE will skyrocket the Deafening Mortar’s damage. Heaving two alternative firing modes for melee and ranged makes this launcher the best for all scenarios. However, this weapon is also best in Ao Bai’s hands since they have upgrades retaining explosions, but this weapon isn’t advised to dual-wield since you lose its ranged function while firing two guns in Gunfire Reborn.
2. Illusion – Runner-Up to the Top Gun in Gunfire Reborn
Unlike other shotguns, the Illusion is a fully-automatic weapon with devastating results for continuous fire. If you are lucky enough to get your hands on an Illusion, you will be more than happy as it is easily one of the best guns in Gunfire Reborn.
Holding down the trigger will increase the rate of fire and the projectile amount with each consecutive shot. If the gun is swapped or the trigger is released for three seconds, the rate of fire and projectiles reset to their initial values.
After six consecutive shots, the amount of projectiles is increased from four to ten, the rate of fire is increased from 2.5 shots per second to 4.5, and finally, the damage scales from 100% to 450%. Gaining an additional fire rate or magazine capacity increases the Illusion’s power at an alarming rate.
Crit procs are also highly reliable due to the weapon’s natural ramping rate of fire and projectile amount. Finally, any Occult Scrolls that enhance your ammo returns or even grant you unlimited ammo grant you total uptime on the Illusion’s buff.
1. Demonlore – The Best Gun in Gunfire Reborn
This Submachine Gun has one of the highest damage potentials in Gunfire Reborn. For starters, the Demonlore uses Normal Ammo, has a decent rate of fire, and a quick reload. It gives you a tiny buff to your movement speed while wielding it and deals fire damage—the main reason it’s so strong is its possible infinite damage scaling.

Every time the Demonlore lands a critical hit, it increases the weapon’s damage. Every hit on a weak spot increases the base damage or through any standard crits. This damage buff is lost whenever the weapon is reloaded or swapped for another gun.
Inscriptions that increase your magazine capacity or accuracy can vastly improve the damage output, allowing for higher stacks before reloading. Occult Scrolls that help replenish ammo spent, or possibly give you unlimited ammo will allow you to stack indefinitely.
Obtaining 99 stacks on the Demonlore will give your weapon a base stat increase of +990% damage. Any extra critical damage or elemental affinity amplifies this damage even further since the stacks contribute to the weapon’s base damage.
Newer players might never unlock this gun due to its somewhat difficult unlock, requiring you to kill 40 Arrogant Lobsters with fire damage. Arrogant Lobsters only spawn on the third stage, and by that point in the run, most builds will be dealing a ludicrous mixed amount of damage, making this unlock a slow grind to obtain. We highly recommend trying to unlock the Demonlore as quickly as possible because it might be one of the deadliest and best guns in all of Gunfire Reborn.
Wrap Up
That was our list for ten of the strongest weapons in Gunfire Reborn. Many other weapons could have made the list, but we will give a few honorable mentions. The Double Caliber, Shrieker, Scalpel, and the Aura of Venom are just a few other weapons that could have made the list.
We highly recommend trying every weapon in Gunfire Reborn since every gun’s power is subject to change based on your run or the character you’re currently playing. For more guidance on which character to pick, check out our Gunfire Reborn heroes tier list. It has every champion ranked from worst (C-tier) to best (S-tier).
For more great reviews of FPS weaponry, check out our other weapon tier lists covering the best guns in Hunt Showdown and the best guns in Ready or Not.