Professor Peter Naude (2024)

Van Rensburg, D.J., Naude, P., Fayena, I. (2024) 'Strategic investments inentrepreneurial brand venturesby large incumbents.' Journal of Strategy and Management,

Keegan, B.J., Iredale, S., Naudé, P. (2023) 'Examining the dark force consequences of AI as a new actor in B2B relationships.' Industrial Marketing Management, 115pp. 228-239.

Najafi Tavani, S., Naude, P., Smith, P., Khademi-Gerashi, M. (2023) 'Teach well, learn better - Customer involvement and new product performance in B2B markets: The role of desorptive and absorptive capacity.' Industrial Marketing Management, 108pp. 263-275.

Abrahamsen, M.H., Halinen, A., Naudé, P. (2022) 'The role of visioning in business network strategizing.' Journal of Business Research, 154pp. 113334-113334.

Keegan, B.J., Dennehy, D., Naude, P. (2022) 'Implementing artificial intelligence in traditional B2B marketing practices: an Activity Theory perspective.' Information Systems Frontiers: a journal of research and innovation,

Najafi Tavani, S., Zaefarian, G., Robson, M., Naude, P., Abbasi, F. (2022) 'When customer involvement hinders/promotes product innovation performance: the concurrent effect of relationship quality and role ambiguity.' Journal of Business Research, 145pp. 130-143.

Tóth, Z., Nemkova, E., Hizsák, G., Naudé, P. (2022) 'Social capital creation on professional sharing economy platforms: The problems of rating dependency and the non-transferability of social capital.' Journal of Business Research, 144pp. 450-460.

Najafi-Tavani, S., Sharifi, H., Naudé, P., Parvizi-Omran, E. (2021) 'The impact of alternative financial supply chain management practices on supply risk: A relationship quality and buyer relative power perspective.' Industrial Marketing Management, 100pp. 112-126.

Tóth, Z., Naudé, P., Henneberg, S.C., Diaz Ruiz, C.A. (2020) 'The strategic role of corporate online references: building social capital through signaling in business networks.' Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 36(8) pp. 1300-1321.

Najafi-Tavani, Z., Mousavi, S., Zaefarian, G., Naudé, P. (2020) 'Relationship learning and international customer involvement in new product design: The moderating roles of customer dependence and cultural distance.' Journal of Business Research, 120pp. 42-58.

Holland, C.P., Thornton, S.C., Naudé, P. (2019) 'B2B analytics in the airline market: harnessing the power of consumer big data.' Industrial Marketing Management, 86pp. 52-64.

Mandják, T., Belaid, S., Naudé, P. (2019) 'The development of trust over time in an emerging market context: the case of the Tunisian automotive sector.' Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 34(6) pp. 1210-1222.

Naude, P., Sutton-Brady, C. (2019) 'Relationships and Networks as Examined in Industrial Marketing Management.' Industrial Marketing Management, 79pp. 27-35.

Thornton, S., Henneberg, S.C., Leichnig, A., Naude, P. (2019) 'It's in the mix: how firms configure resource mobilization for new product success.' Journal of Product Innovation Management, 36(4) pp. 513-531.

Ashnai, B., Smirnova, M., Henneberg, S.C., Naudé, P. (2019) 'Dyadic Operationalization in Business Relationships: The Empirical Example of Marketing-Purchasing Collaboration.' Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 26(1) pp. 19-42.

Najafi-Tavani, S., Najafi-Tavani, Z., Naudé, P., Oghazi, P., Zeynaloo, E. (2018) 'How collaborative innovation networks affect new product performance: Product innovation capability, process innovation capability, and absorptive capacity.' Industrial Marketing Management, 73pp. 193-205.

Francescucci, A., Henneberg, S.C., Naude, P. (2018) 'Scale development for the inter-firm market orientation concept.' Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 33(3) pp. 253-264.

Tóth, Z., Henneberg, S.C., Naudé, P. (2017) 'Addressing the ‘Qualitative’ in fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis: The Generic Membership Evaluation Template.' Industrial Marketing Management, 63pp. 192-204.

Zaefarian, G., Thiesbrummel, C., Henneberg, S.C., Naudé, P. (2017) 'Different recipes for success in business relationships.' Industrial Marketing Management, 63pp. 69-81.

Forkmann, S., Ramos, C., Henneberg, S.C., Naudé, P. (2017) 'Understanding the service infusion process as a business model reconfiguration.' Industrial Marketing Management, 60pp. 151-166.

Abrahamsen, M.H., Henneberg, S.C., Huemer, L., Naudé, P. (2016) 'Network picturing: An action research study of strategizing in business networks.' Industrial Marketing Management, 59pp. 107-119.

Forkmann, S., Henneberg, S.C., Naudé, P., Mitrega, M. (2016) 'Supplier relationship management capability: a qualification and extension.' Industrial Marketing Management, 57pp. 185-200.

Jiang, Z., Shiu, E., Henneberg, S., Naude, P. (2016) 'Relationship Quality in Business to Business Relationships-Reviewing the Current Literatures and Proposing a New Measurement Model.' Psychology and Marketing, 33(4) pp. 297-313.

Zaefarian, G., Najafi-Tavani, Z., Henneberg, S.C., Naudé, P. (2016) 'Do supplier perceptions of buyer fairness lead to supplier sales growth?.' Industrial Marketing Management, 53pp. 160-171.

Ashnai, B., Henneberg, S.C., Naudé, P., Francescucci, A. (2016) 'Inter-personal and inter-organizational trust in business relationships: An attitude-behavior-outcome model.' Industrial Marketing Management, 52pp. 128-139.

Thornton, S.C., Henneberg, S.C., Naudé, P. (2015) 'An empirical investigation of network-oriented behaviors in business-to-business markets.' Industrial Marketing Management, 49pp. 167-180.

Najafi-Tavani, Z., Zaefarian, G., Henneberg, S.C., Naudé, P., Giroud, A., Andersson, U. (2015) 'Subsidiary knowledge development in knowledge-intensive business services: A configuration approach.' Journal of International Marketing, 23(4) pp. 22-43.

Najafi-Tavani, Z., Zaefarian, G., Naudé, P., Giroud, A. (2015) 'Reverse knowledge transfer and subsidiary power.' Industrial Marketing Management, 48pp. 103-110.

Henneberg, S.C., Gruber, T., Reppel, A., Naudé, P., Ashnai, B., Huber, F., Chowdhury, I.N. (2015) 'A cross-cultural comparison of business complaint management expectations.' Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 23(3) pp. 254-271.

Tóth, Z., Thiesbrummel, C., Henneberg, S.C., Naudé, P. (2014) 'Understanding configurations of relational attractiveness of the customer firm using fuzzy set QCA.' Journal of Business Research,

Abosag, I., Naudé, P. (2014) 'Development of special forms of B2B relationships: Examining the role of interpersonal liking in developing Guanxi and Et-Moone relationships.' Industrial Marketing Management, 43(6) pp. 887-896.

Human, G., Naudé, P. (2014) 'Heterogeneity in the quality-satisfaction-loyalty framework.' Industrial Marketing Management, 43(6) pp. 920-928.

Naudé, P., Zaefarian, G., Najafi Tavani, Z., Neghabi, S., Zaefarian, R. (2014) 'The influence of network effects on SME performance.' Industrial Marketing Management, 43(4) pp. 630-641.

Thornton, S.C., Henneberg, S.C., Naudé, P. (2014) 'Conceptualizing and validating organizational networking as a second-order formative construct.' Industrial Marketing Management, 43(6) pp. 951-966.

Jiang, Z., Shiu, E., Henneberg, S., Naude, P. (2013) 'Operationalizing Trust, Reliance, and Dependence in Business Relationships: Responding to the Ongoing Naming and Cross-Level Problems.' Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 20(4) pp. 193-225.

Thornton, S.C., Henneberg, S.C., Naudé, P. (2013) 'Understanding types of organizational networking behaviors in the UK manufacturing sector.' Industrial Marketing Management, 42(7) pp. 1154-1166.

Ramos, C., Roseira, C., Brito, C., Henneberg, S.C., Naudé, P. (2013) 'Business service networks and their process of emergence: The case of the Health Cluster Portugal.' Industrial Marketing Management, 42(6) pp. 950-968.

Zaefarian, G., Henneberg, S.C., Naudé, P. (2013) 'Assessing the strategic fit between business strategies and business relationships in knowledge-intensive business services.' Industrial Marketing Management, 42(2) pp. 260-272.

Henneberg, S.C., Gruber, T., Naudé, P. (2013) 'Services networks: Concept and research agenda.' Industrial Marketing Management, 42(1) pp. 3-8.

Kohtamäki, M., Vesalainen, J., Henneberg, S., Naudé, P., Ventresca, M.J. (2012) 'Enabling relationship structures and relationship performance improvement: The moderating role of relational capital.' Industrial Marketing Management, 41(8) pp. 1298-1309.

Abrahamsen, M.H., Henneberg, S.C., Naudé, P. (2012) 'Sensemaking in business networks: Introducing dottograms to analyse network changes.' Industrial Marketing Management, 41(6) pp. 1035-1046.

Ramos, C., Henneberg, S.C., Naudé, P. (2012) 'Understanding network picture complexity: An empirical analysis of contextual factors.' Industrial Marketing Management, 41(6) pp. 951-972.

Forkmann, S., Wang, D., Henneberg, S.C., Naudé, P., Sutcliffe, A. (2012) 'Strategic decision making in business relationships: A dyadic agent-based simulation approach.' Industrial Marketing Management, 41(5) pp. 816-830.

Abrahamsen, M.H., Henneberg, S.C., Naudé, P. (2012) 'Using actors' perceptions of network roles and positions to understand network dynamics.' Industrial Marketing Management, 41(2) pp. 259-269.

Naude, P. (2012) 'Total Relationship Marketing, 3rd edition: Marketing Management, Relationship Strategy, CRM, and a New Dominant Logic for the Value-Creating Network Economy.' JOURNAL OF BUSINESS-TO-BUSINESS MARKETING, 19(1) pp. 93-96.

Corsaro, D., Ramos, C., Henneberg, S.C., Naudé, P. (2012) 'The impact of network configurations on value constellations in business markets - The case of an innovation network.' Industrial Marketing Management, 41(1) pp. 54-67.

Jiang, Z., Henneberg, S.C., Naudé, P. (2011) 'Supplier relationship management in the construction industry: the effects of trust and dependence.' Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 27(1) pp. 3-15.

Jiang, Z., Henneberg, S.C., Naudé, P. (2011) 'The importance of trust vis-à-vis reliance in business relationships: Some international findings.' Studies in Economics and Finance, 28(4) pp. 318-339.

Jiang, Z., Henneberg, S.C., Naudé, P. (2011) 'The importance of trust vis-à-vis reliance in business relationships: Some international findings.' International Marketing Review, 28(4) pp. 318-339.

Smirnova, M., Naudé, P., Henneberg, S.C., Mouzas, S., Kouchtch, S.P. (2011) 'The impact of market orientation on the development of relational capabilities and performance outcomes: The case of Russian industrial firms.' Industrial Marketing Management, 40(1) pp. 44-53.

Smirnova, M., Henneberg, S.C., Ashnai, B., Naudé, P., Mouzas, S. (2011) 'Understanding the role of marketing-purchasing collaboration in industrial markets: The case of Russia.' Industrial Marketing Management, 40(1) pp. 54-64.

Abrahamsen, M., Naude, P., Henneberg, S.C. (2011) 'Network Change as a Battle of Ideas? Analysing the Interplay Between Idea Structures and Activated Structures.' The IMP Journal, 5(2) pp. 122-139.

Jiang, Z., Henneberg, S.C., Naudé, P. (2010) 'Exploring trust vis-à-vis reliance in business relationships: A qualitative analysis in the UK construction industry.' Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 28(6) pp. 706-722.

Naudé, P., Henneberg, S., Jiang, Z. (2010) 'Varying routes to the top: Identifying different strategies in the MBA marketplace.' Journal of the Operational Research Society, 61(8) pp. 1193-1206.

Gruber, T., Henneberg, S.C., Ashnai, B., Naudé, P., Reppel, A. (2010) 'Complaint resolution management expectations in an asymmetric business-to-business context.' Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 25(5) pp. 360-371.

Henneberg, S.C., Naudé, P., Mouzas, S. (2010) 'Sense-making and management in business networks - some observations, considerations, and a research agenda.' Industrial Marketing Management, 39(3) pp. 355-360.

Human, G., Naudé, P. (2010) 'Relationship and innovation orientation in a business-to-business context.' South African Journal of Business Management, 41(4) pp. 59-70.

Zaefarian, G., Naude, P., Henneberg, S.C. (2010) 'Configuration Theory Assessment of Business Relationship Strategies - Conceptual Model and Hypotheses Development.' Journal of Customer Behaviour, 9pp. 299-316.

Naudé, P., Henneberg, S.C., Mouzas, S., Ramos, C., Graves, A., Crute, V. (2009) 'Seeking for Solutions within a Project Setting.' Journal of business market management, 3(3) pp. 151-170.

Naudé, P., Henneberg, S., Zolkiewski, J., Zhu, X. (2009) 'Exploiting the B2B knowledge network: New perspectives and core concepts.' Industrial Marketing Management, 38(5) pp. 493-494.

Henneberg, S.C., Swart, J., Naudé, P., Jiang, Z., Mouzas, S. (2009) 'Mobilizing ideas in knowledge networks: A social network analysis of the human resource management community 1990-2005.' Learning Organization, 16(6) pp. 443-459.

Henneberg, S.C., Mouzas, S., Naudé, P. (2009) 'Going Beyond Customers – A Business Segmentation Approach Using Network Pictures to Identify Network Segments.' Journal of business market management, 3(2) pp. 91-113.

Ashnai, B., Smirnova, M., Kouchtch, S., Yu, Q., Barnes, B.R., Naudé, P. (2009) 'Assessing relationship quality in four business-to-business markets.' Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 27(1) pp. 86-102.

Henneberg, S.C., Pardo, C., Mouzas, S., Naudé, P. (2009) 'Value dimensions and relationship postures in dyadic 'Key Relationship Programmes'.' Journal of Marketing Management, 25(5-6) pp. 535-550.

Henneberg, S.C., Jiang, Z., Naude, P., Ormrod, R.P. (2009) 'The Network Researchers' Network: A Social Network Analysis of the IMP Group 1984-2006.' The IMP Journal, 3(1) pp. 28-49.

Human, G.J.P., Naude, P. (2009) 'Exploring the Relationship Between Network Competence, Network Capability, and Firm Performance: A Resource-Based Perspective in an Emerging Economy.' Management Dynamics, 18(1) pp. 2-14.

Mouzas, S., Henneberg, S., Naudé, P. (2008) 'Developing network insight.' Industrial Marketing Management, 37(2) pp. 167-180.

Zolkiewski, J., Waller, S., Naude, P. (2008) 'Modelling the Effect of Losing a Key Individual on Internal and External Relationships.' Journal of Business Market Management, 2(1) pp. 25-39.

Naudé, P., Ashnai, B., Chaharsooghi, K., Perzon, H. (2007) 'An Analysis of B2B Relationship Quality among Iranian Managers: A Comparison between Iranian and English Managers.' Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 18(8) pp. 861-874.

Mouzas, S., Henneberg, S., Naudé, P. (2007) 'Trust and reliance in business relationships.' European Journal of Marketing, 41(9-10) pp. 1016-1032.

Barnes, B.R., Naudé, P., Michell, P. (2007) 'Perceptual gaps and similarities in buyer-seller dyadic relationships.' Industrial Marketing Management, 36(5) pp. 662-675.

Mouzas, S., Naudé, P. (2007) 'Network mobilizer.' Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 22(1) pp. 62-71.

Vidgen, R., Henneberg, S., Naudé, P. (2007) 'What sort of community is the European conference on information systems? A social network analysis 1993-2005.' European Journal of Information Systems, 16(1) pp. 5-19.

Jiang, Z., Naude, P., Comstock, C. (2007) 'An Investigation on the Variation of Software Development Productivity.' International Journal of Computer and Information Science and Engineering, 1/2pp. 72-81.

Jiang, Z., Naude, P. (2007) 'An Examination of the Factors Influencing Software Development Effort.' International Journal of Computer, Information, and Systems Science and Engineering, 1/3pp. 182-191.

Jiang, Z., Naude, P., Jiang, B. (2007) 'The Effects of Software Size on Development Effort and Software Quality.' World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 34pp. 31-35.

Comstock, C., Jiang, Z., Naude, P. (2007) 'Strategic Software Development: Productivity Comparisons of General Development Programs.' World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 34pp. 357-362.

Pardo, C., Henneberg, S.C., Mouzas, S., Naudè, P. (2006) 'Unpicking the meaning of value in key account management.' European Journal of Marketing, 40(11-12) pp. 1360-1374.

Leek, S., Turnbull, P.W., Naudé, P. (2006) 'Classifying relationships across cultures as successful and problematic: Theoretical perspectives and managerial implications.' Industrial Marketing Management, 35(7) pp. 892-900.

Henneberg, S.C., Mouzas, S., Naudé, P. (2006) 'Network pictures: Concepts and representations.' European Journal of Marketing, 40(3-4) pp. 408-429.

Hipkin, I., Naude, P. (2006) 'Developing Effective Alliance Partnerships: Lessons From a Case Study.' Long Range Planning, 39(1) pp. 51-69.

Naudé, P. (2005) 'Comments on "Power to all our friends? Living with imbalance in supplier-retailer relationships" by Martin Hingley.' Industrial Marketing Management, 34(8) pp. 867-869.

Barnes, B.R., Naudé, P., Michell, P. (2005) 'Exploring Commitment and Dependency in Dyadic Relationships.' Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 12(3) pp. 1-26.

Ivy, J., Naudé, P. (2004) 'Succeeding in the MBA marketplace: Identifying the underlying factors.' Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 26(3) pp. 401-417.

Holland, C.P., Naudé, P. (2004) 'The metamorphosis of marketing into an information-handling problem.' Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 19(3) pp. 167-177.

Naudé, P., Holland, C.P. (2004) 'The role of information and communications technology in transforming marketing theory and practice.' Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 19(3) pp. 165-166.

Leek, S., Turnbull, P.W., Naudé, P. (2004) 'A comparison of manufacturers and financial services suppliers' and buyers' use of relationship management methods.' Industrial Marketing Management, 33(3) pp. 241-249.

Nairn, A., Ede, L., Naude, P. (2004) 'Multivariate Statistics in Industrial Marketing Management: A Practitioner Toolkit.' Industrial Marketing Management, 33(7) pp. 573-582.

Naudé, P., Desai, J., Murphy, J. (2003) 'Identifying the determinants of internal marketing orientation.' European Journal of Marketing, 37(9) pp. 1205-1220.

Leeka, S., Turnbull, P., Naudé, P. (2003) 'The Impact of Information Technology on the Management of Business to Business Relationships.' Journal of Customer Behaviour, 2(1) pp. 35-54.

Leek, S., Turnbull, P.W., Naudé, P. (2003) 'How is information technology affecting business relationships? Results from a UK survey.' Industrial Marketing Management, 32(2) pp. 119-126.

Leek, S., Naudé, P., Turnbull, P.W. (2003) 'Interactions, relationships and networks in a changing world.' Industrial Marketing Management, 32(2) pp. 87-90.

Naude, P. (2003) 'Understanding B2B and the Web: The Acceleration of Co-ordination and Motivation.' Industrial Marketing Management, 32(7) pp. 553-561.

da Silva, R., Davies, G., Naudé, P. (2002) 'Assessing the influence of retail buyer variables on the buying decision‐making process.' European Journal of Marketing, 36(11/12) pp. 1327-1343.

Leek, S., Turnbull, P.W., Naudé, P. (2002) 'Managing Business-to-Business Relationships: An Emerging Model.' Journal of Customer Behaviour, 1(3) pp. 357-375.

Da Silva, R., Davies, G., Naude, P. (2002) 'Assessing Customer Orientation in the Context of Buyer/Supplier Relationships Using Judgemental Modelling.' Industrial Marketing Management, 31(3) pp. 241-252.

Naude, P., Black, P. (2002) 'Managing Those Large Accounts Effectively: A Case Study in the International Ocean Freight Shipping Industry.' The Journal of Selling and Major Account Management, 4(3) pp. 13-23.

Da Silva, R.M.V., Davies, G., Naudé, P. (2001) 'Country of origin and destination effects in buyer decision making: A relationship perspective.' Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 8(3) pp. 37-62.

Horne, S., Naudé, P., Worthington, S. (2000) 'Knowledge gaps between participants in a triadic relationship.' International Journal of Bank Marketing, 18(6) pp. 287-293.

Naudé, P., Holland, C., Sudbury, M. (2000) 'The Benefits of IT-Based Supply Chains-Strategic or Operational?.' Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 7(1) pp. 45-67.

Naudé, P., Buttle, F. (2000) 'Assessing relationship quality.' Industrial Marketing Management, 29(4) pp. 351-361.

Naude, P., Islei, G., Lockett, A.G., Drinkwater, P. (2000) 'An Exploration Into the Influence of Psychological Profiles Upon a Group Decision Making Process.' Journal of the Operational Research Society, 51pp. 168-175.

Da Silva, R.V., Davies, G., Naude, P. (2000) 'Marketing to UK retailers: Understanding the nature of UK retail buying of textiles and clothing.' Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 4(2) pp. 162-172.

Naude, I.H.P. (1999) 'An Application of Judgemental Modelling for Strategic Decision Making in an International Environment.' Electronic Markets, 9(4) pp. 247-255.

Naudé, P., Ivy, J. (1999) 'The marketing strategies of universities in the United Kingdom.' International Journal of Educational Management, 13(3) pp. 126-134.

Naude, P. (1999) 'Using Psychological Profiling to Provide Insights Into Industrial Purchasing.' The Journal of Selling and Major Account Management, 1(3) pp. 67-84.

Naude, P., Mclean, D. (1999) 'Watching the Concert: How Global Account Management Developed Within the Concert Alliance.' The Journal of Selling and Major Account Management, 2(1) pp. 13-30.

Naude, P., Islei, G., Lockett, A.G. (1999) 'Judgemental Modelling as an Aid to Scenario Planning and Analysis.' Omega, 27pp. 61-73.

Lockett, A.D., Blackman, I., Naude, P. (1999) 'Using the Internet/WWW for the Real Time Development of Financial Services: The Case of Xenon Laboratories.' Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 3(2) pp. 161-172.

Rockett, L., Valor, J., Miller, P., Naude, P. (1998) 'Technology and virtual teams: Using globally distributed groups in MBA learning.' Campus-Wide Information Systems, 15(5) pp. 174-182.

Naudé, P., Hipkin, I.B. (1998) 'Managerial and educational perceptions of the future in changing societies: The commonwealth of independent states.' Management Learning, 29(4) pp. 467-484.

Naudé, P., Blackman, I., Dengler, S. (1998) 'The Managerial Implications of Real-Time New Product Development in Financial Services.' Creativity and Innovation Management, 7(2) pp. 54-61.

Wahla, N., Tither, D., Naude, P. (1998) 'A research investigation to identify the key players in the two-stroke engine industry.' Technovation, 18(2) pp. 133-140.

Lockett, A.G., Naude, P. (1998) 'The Stability of Judgmental Modelling: An Application in the Social Services.' Group Decision and Negotiation, 7(1) pp. 41-53.

Rockett, I., Miller, P., Valor, J., Naude, P. (1998) 'Technology and Virtual Teams: Using Globally Distributed Groups in MBA Learning, Campus-Wide Information Systems.' The Journal of Technology on Campus, 15(5) pp. 174-182.

Naude, P., Lockett, A.G., Holmes, K. (1997) 'A Case Study of Strategic Engineering Decision Making Using Judgmental Modelling and Psychological Profiling.' IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 44(3) pp. 237-247.

Naude, P., Band, D., Stray, S., Wegner, T. (1997) 'An International Comparison of Management's Use of Quantitative Techniques and the Implications for MBA Teaching.' Management Learning, 28(2) pp. 217-233.

Lockett, A.G., Naude, P. (1996) 'On the Development of New Forms of Organizational Decision Support Systems.' International Transactions in Operational Research, 3(2) pp. 117-128.

Naude, P. (1995) 'Judgemental Modeling as a Tool for Analysing Market Structure: An Application in the Plastics Industry.' Industrial Marketing Management, 24(3) pp. 227-238.

Stray, S., Naude, P., Wegner, T. (1994) 'Statistics in Management Education.' British Journal of Management, 5(1) pp. 73-82.

Wegner, T., Stray, S., Naude, P. (1994) 'The Use of Statistical Methods by MBA Graduates in South African Management and Its Implications for Curriculum Design.' South African Journal of Business Management, 25(2) pp. 86-93.

Naude, P., Lockett, A.G., Gisbourne, S. (1993) 'Market Analysis via Judgmental Modeling: An Application in the UK Chemical Industry.' European Journal of Marketing, 27(3) pp. 5-22.

Naude, P., Lockett, A.G., Blackman, I. (1993) 'Evaluating a Financial Service Opportunity via Judgmental Modeling.' International Journal of Service Industry Management, 4(4) pp. 25-41.

Naude, P., Stray, S., Wegner, T. (1991) 'The penetration of quantitative methods into management decision making in the United Kingdom.' Omega, 19(5) pp. 447-457.

Lockett, A.G., Naude, P. (1991) 'Winning a Large Order: A Case Study Using Judgmental Modeling.' Industrial Marketing Management, 20pp. 169-175.

Naude, P., Human, P., Malan, L. (1990) 'Managerial perceptions of the future in a volatile society: The South African case.' Omega, 18(5) pp. 521-528.

Professor Peter Naude (2024)


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